December 14, 2008

Dogs for adoption

Currently pregnant and about to give birth.


There's a lot of new guys at the beach and all of them are sweet. Is anyone interested in adopting one of them?

Freddy: before and after


When Freddy arrived at the beach, he was a mess. He's still at the beach but he looks better now. He could be a good companion to anyone--please adopt him!


Alexander was adopted by Rosalinda Torres and family from Chicago, IL. His name is now Buddy.

November 19, 2008

December's sky

December 1: Venus, Jupiter & the Moon
December 22: Ursid Meteor Shower
December 23: Saturn
December 29: Another planetary conjunction--Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Moon

November's sky

November 5: S Taurid Meteor Shower
November 17: Leonid Meteor Shower
November 30: Planetary conjunction--Jupiter and Venus, 2 degrees appart join the Moon

October 4, 2008

October's sky

October 11: Jupiter
October 21: Orionid Meteor ShowerOctober 22: Mercury
October 31

September 11, 2008


The Moon meets the Pleiades
Delta Aurigid Meteor Shower
On September 10, Mercury, Venus and Mars will be close to the star Spica, 30 minutes after sunset.

August 2, 2008

August 2008

August 12: Perseid meteor shower
August 13: Multiple conjunction of planets
August 16: Partial lunar eclipse

June 20, 2008

July's sky

July 2: Jupiter and its moons.

July 6: Saturn and Mars meet in the Beehive Cluster (M44) at the beginning of te month. Then later in July 6 the young Moon will join them in Leo close to the star Regulus.

July 10: Saturn and Mars on telescope

July 27: Delta Aquarid Meteor shower

May 13, 2008

The light in the sky

Last week I spotted a brilliant object in the sky. At first I thought it was Venus but Venus rises at dawn, not at 7 something pm. Jupiter rises after midnight these days, so it wasn't Jupiter either. The brighter stars in the vecinity were Sirius and Canopus, higher in the sky at that moment--so what the hell was that? I still don't know. I went for my binoculars and I noticed the thing was double and it was just fixed in the sky. Later it started to rain and I didn't see it again--actually I haven't seen it again.

April 29, 2008

The sky on May

May 1: Watch Saturn's rings before they disappear from our view later this year.
May 5: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower
May 6: The Moon and Mercury
May21-23: Mars travels through the Beehive cluster (M44) in Cancer.

April 25, 2008

Next viewing of the International Space Station

April 28
5:23-5:28am (SW-NE)
April 30
4:41-4:45am (NW-NE)

April 18, 2008

Lyrid Meteor Shower

The Lyrids peeks on the night of April 21/22, but you can still see meteorites several days before and several days after the peak.

April 14, 2008

International Space Station

The International Space Station will be seen again from Puerto Rico this week several times. The ISS will be brighter than the brightest star in the sky every evening: Sirius (αCMa) glowing
at -1.46.
April 15 @ 7:53pm (NW-NE) 30°
April 17 @ 7:05pm (NW-SE) 30°
April 18 @ 7:25pm (W-SE) 36°